Bioidentical Hormone Therapy & Personalized Clinical Nutrition Programs
Hello and Welcome to FitBabe!
FitBabe is a transformational small group, science and evidence-based health program, led by a trained medical professional. I'm looking for women who are motivated and ready to make some changes in their lives and be active participants in their health.
The program will be delivered as a small group, live, ZOOM coaching program for women looking for more accountability, more support, and a peer group.
FitBabe is specifically for a woman looking to:
● Drastically improve your sleep, balance your hormones, reduce brain fog, and increase
● Stop the dieting guesswork and have an actionable plan to move towards your health
goals that’s customized based on your busy schedule
● Stop craving sugar, sweets, and other hyperpalatable foods and move towards metabolic flexibility and easy fat burning
● To master hunger, satiety, cravings, and emotional eating behaviors that we all have, and to get in touch with our body signals and how to appropriately and nourishing respond to yourself
● Move away from endless cardio and develop a baseline of strength through resistance
training (that will also amplify your metabolism)
● Understand how your hunger, sleep, energy levels and cravings change throughout your
menstrual cycle (or menopause) and learn to eat, exercise and supplement to support your physiology
● Stop punishing your body with low calories or excessive fasting and learn and practice fasting for gut health, menstrual cycle, and mood
By the end of our 12 weeks together you will have:
1) Improvement in Body Re-composition
Through this program, you can expect to increase muscle mass, lean body mass,
decrease adipose tissue, and improve physical measurements. We will also look at weight loss as a marker but consider it less important than other body composition markers such as waist circumference, hip circumference, waist to hip ratio, body fat percentage, bone mass, metabolic age, fat mass, subcutaneous fat, visceral fat index,
muscle mass, and total daily energetic expenditure.
2) Improvement on Vitals
Improvement in markers like menstrual cycle regularity, menstrual symptoms, ovulation, basal body temperature regulation, heart rate, heart rate variability, and sleep data.
If you are perimenopausal or menopausal we will look for improvement in markers to match age-related optimal hormonal ranges and symptom management like hot flashes, insomnia, hypercortisolemia, and mood changes.
3) Improvement in Confidence
One of the common results that has been communicated is that women feel more confident in their bodies. They have, through this process, become the person they always needed to be for themselves and others. This program will give you the body you want, but it will also strengthen your resolve, mental resilience and capacity for self
love. Which, if we are thinking about how to optimize a woman, it has to include her ability to fall in love with herself in a world that tells her not to.
MONTH 1 - The Health Audit
The first month is all about establishing a baseline and getting started. During this month I’ll take you through a series of tests to create a baseline for your future outcomes. We’ll talk about your goals, and I’ll share the fundamentals for how to detox and reset your metabolism.
Based on this session I will provide a series of tests. The objective for the first month is to understand where you are, what is holding you back, and to start changing small easy habits one at a time.
MONTH 2 - The Cycling
In month two we start to customize your nutrition and exercise based on your cycles. Here, we will decide what nutrition is working, and what part of your nutrition program needs to change. This can include macronutrient adjustments, calorie adjustment, fasting, timing of meals, and more.
MONTH 3 - The Optimization
In month three we even further customize your nutrition. After two months of eating and training in phase 1 of the program, we can further tweak your nutrition protocols. And the best part - you won’t have to do this alone.... Each week we offer live group coaching with me and the other members to support you through your challenges and get all your questions answered. Your success path will be super clear, and all you have to do is show up and do the work. It is designed to help you lose weight effortlessly, and reclaim your health.
We’ll also include a private online member’s area for access to the replays, to ask questions between calls, and to communicate and connect with the other members for accountability and support.